The Vineyard Trip - 2001
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The crew


John Banks - John Jascot






Jack Fiora - Larry Lawrence





Mark Munro

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Fueling up before leaving Noank.

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John and Larry enjoying Jascot's fine dinner our first night out in Vineyard Haven

Jascot at the culinary Helm.

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A beautiful sailing ship we caught up to on Chatham Road, here it's passing us as we're hooking up to the Alva.

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The beginning of day three heading out of stage harbor.

John keeping tabs on me using the laptop as we head North for the 703 from the Pendelton.

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After the lighting storm and before diving Jack takes the opportunity to catch us some dinner.

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I'm getting ready to tie in on the 703, Jacks smiling because he doesn't think I'm coming back and he wants my gear :-)

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Larry and John pose with their fine catch.



Larry let's the guy go while John takes some pictures.
(John, why's your hair wet?)



A beautiful sunset as we head back to Stage Harbor.

Life IS good.

vinyard_trip_2001_01.jpg (41610 bytes)      vinyard_trip_2001_10.jpg (37162 bytes) Fueling up in Saquatucket.

Larry and I discuss why they need all those tanks.

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There's a lobster king and a brass king that gets crowned at the end of every trip.  Jack was crowned the brass king for recovering a red navigation lens from a wreck.  I was crowned the lobster king for the 20 pounder (left) and 11 pounder (right) which I "recovered".

Of course I was also crowned king dope by Jack for swimming right over the red navigation lens and not seeing it, bastard :-)

Check out The Big Lobster Page.

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Jack, me, and Larry pose with some sea scallops.
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All the good food makes Jack cringe at pumping out.


Larry and I looking over my 'breather.

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Heading home, the last night out, Jack at the helm.

Larry guiding us into Lake Tashmoo.



A fine sunset for our last night on the hook.

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The crew at the dock after 4 hours of cleaning up the boat, it's not all fun.